Monday 30 September 2013

Why functional training?

here at good to go we describe functional training in the following way:
Functional training is performing compound exercises across multiple planes or axis of movement in a dynamic or movement based fashion to encourage greater stability and correct process of movement and muscular function.

and what does that mean?
basically we use exercises and equipment that makes you work hard whilst performing movements that uses more that one body part.
a good comparison would be a kettlebell clean and press swing versus say a seated dumbell shoulder press.

  • with the kettlebells clean and press, the exercise is unilateral or one sided yet it employs the entire body in lifting the bell to the shoulder and then again over the head, 
  • the seated dumbell shoulder press as the name suggests focusses mainly on the shoulder muscles.
In functinoal training we use equipment that helps us to achieve this idea of forcing the body to work in multiple planes of movement such as:

  • kettlebells
  • sling trainers
  • balance boards
  • medicine balls
  • body weight exercises
  • exercise tubes
  • the list goes on...
we also use conventional equipment like
  • olympic bars
  • dumbells
  • free weights
and we chose exercises that are as we say in our description, compound in nature for example: Olympic lifts.

so why do we chose to train this way?

why not?
no but seriously, when your body works better it feels better, functional training isn't just for athletes and crazy cross fitters, its for every day people living every day lives.
functional training helps you to do normal things easier:
  • playing with the kids
  • carrying the shopping
  • putting out the rubbish
  • going for a walk or a run
  • sitting at your desk at work.
and then you get the other benefits of feeling good,  - you want to feel good more often, you may feel like doing something with this good feeling like entering a race, going camping, having an adventurous weekend kayaking, you can fill in what ever you like here.
And for us, as athletes we like to train for function, movement and agility, and as trainers our passion for a functional body helps us to be better trainers.

so over the coming weeks, months & hopefully years we will be posting some of the functional workouts that we do in the studio so that those of you playing at home can get some idea of what we do, and those of you who can make it to the studio have a resource to refer to when you're trying to get your head around what we did at the studio this week (insert smiley here)

feedback and questions are most welcome

chat soon
be strong
have adventures

the good to go training studio

and so here we are.
Finally I have achieved my goal.
My studio is open.
and I am beside my self with excitement and fear.

what comes next?
clients and training!
so stay tuned.
I will be putting up as many workouts for you to try as possible.
and much more on the things that I love.

and remember
Be strong
Have adventures