Friday 29 November 2013

One step two step three step four - red step blue step one step more

I've had 3 runs since my last post, and what a mixed bag they have been.

I managed to run into the studio, 10.5 k's
Took me an hour and a half, with a back pack.
I went for a friday run with my training partner, that was business as usual,
I ran around the island on monday, about 10 k's, not sure my phone died half way through so i dont have all the stats.

Mondays run was an interesting process, I found my self starting with the usual rhetoric of not wanting to go out.

  • Its cold
  • I'm tired
  • I really should rest i have alot on today
  • Its cold
  • I dont really have the time for this
Bla bla bla...
And as i'm busy making excuses why not to run the part of me that has actually decided that im running today no matter what is actually going through the process of getting changed into my running gear and shutting up the studio, and before I knew it I was out the door and on my way.

This is a very sstrange process to me, its like there are two different people at war with each other in my head (yes Imay be crazy but hey, who isnt right?)- the one who wants to go out and do this thing, and the other who just wants me to stay in and be comfortable.
And as strange as it is, it is not that unfamiliar to me, its been going on for a long time, and for a long time the part of me that just wants to sit in was winning the argument, ( as a trainer this is not such a good thing, but thats a whole other subject).
I am happy that the winning side of me is the one that wants to get out and do things.
It make me feel good to go out running or riding or adventuring.
And as hard as the process of begining to run is, ( and its hard and painful and frustrating), there is a part of me that is enjoying every bit of it.
It gives me a sense of pride in my self  that i havent had for quite some time, I remember how I felt getting my first black belt, its a similar feeling, and the process is quite similar. Only I'm older and my body hurts more 😉.

But if you're wanting to get out there and be active, Ill say this, let the naysayer in your head have its moment, let it have its rant, but dont let it stop you from doing what you want.

When "they" say dont listen to the naysayers- this meant the ones in your own head too.

Be strong 
Have adventures

Good to go jo

Monday 18 November 2013

Monday Runday

so true to form, after posting how much I was starting to love running last Monday, I had the crappiest run ever!

  • I was sore from training the night before.
  • I walked too fast at the start - it was cold and I was excited because of my new found love for running - and my legs didn't really like that.
  • I tried out a new pair of compression socks which were a huge fail.
  • when we got to the forest track there were no lights - see creepy guy in the forest - and after our experience a couple of weeks ago now way was I going to attempt a run on the rack when there were no lights, and subsequently no other runners.
  • we ran on the foot path / road - not a good thing to do for my legs especially taking into account the bad start and the wrong socks
  • we went to the sports hall down the road and ran on the outdoor track - BORING!!!
So after finding that I was starting to love my running I had what was the crappiest session in this adventure so far.
I missed my session on Friday due to reasons that include a sick 2 year old and just a little laziness

, and after a week of extreme tiredness and little good training I sit here in a Monday contemplating my Monday Runday.

magical vinter wonderland
Today I have decided to try something new - I am going to attempt to run into my studio.
its 10 k (or if you prefer a Swedish mile) -  a good distance.

As I write this I look outside my window and see that what was an ok start to the day has turned into a typically Swedish autumn day.
its not cold enough to snow - but dear got i wish it would. at least when it snows the world becomes a wonderful magical place. this is just depressing.

but never fear - Good to Go Jo is here.
with my never-ending stream of positive thinking I look forward to this run.
  • I need to take a back pack, and pack carefully - I must take with me my work gear and then I also need to ride my bike home (I left it at the studio last night) so I need to take riding gear also.
cool, I can try out my hydro pack for running, I have been using it for cycling for over a year now but i have never run with it - I hope it works our ok - we shall see.

 Marilyn  - just because
  • also I get to see how long this is going to take me - something I have wanted to find out since we opened in October.
  • I think I go through Vinterviken - it runs along the water and offers more trail running than road running.
And now - I am ready
Looking forward to running today -and taking note of my mistakes from last Monday lets see if today's Monday Runday can be a better one than last week.

Monday 11 November 2013

training actually works - and the running is getting easier

so despite creepy guys in the forest I have continued with my running program, and am starting to notice some effects.

  • Its getting easier
  • my recovery time is getting shorter
  • I want to run more
  • I look forward to my next session
  • I am starting to think of other ways in which i can en-corporate running into my life - e.g.. to run t my studio instead of ride, (but then I would miss out on my ride so that  doesn't really work, but you get the idea)
And for the first time since I was a kid, I really like - dare I say it, am starting to love running.

so what is so different about running this time?
because really I have been trying to get to this place for years, and always failed.

its simple really - I finally took my own advice.
I set a goal
educated my self
and have taken steps to achieve that goal.

this running thing didn't just start a couple of weeks ago for me, really it started a couple of years ago when I started training clients here in Stockholm.
I  specialise in functional training as a PT, and it has made a huge difference in my own training.
for years I have watched how my advice and programs have helped my clients but for whatever reason I just was not applying it to my own training.
well finally the penny dropped.
I started taking some active MSR sessions with my self looking to release the fascia in my lower legs so that I wouldn't suffer from compartment syndrome so much.
I started to work on my core and functional body, I started to build strength in my lower legs and consciously work on getting my legs back into balance.

and the result.
well I now run twice a week for an hour or so, and next week we move it up to 3 times a week.
and I couldn't be more excited.

so my lesson here is, (and I can hear my self saying this to just about every client I have ever had - sigh & slight head shake) DO THE FUCKING WORK JO & THE RESULTS WILL COME.
And the scary thing is I know this - I have done this with so many other things in my life. (insert smile here)
and now I am doing it with something that has been a stumbling block for over 20 years, and it feels awesome!

so keep training people.

good to go Jo