Thursday 31 October 2013

night running & that creepy guy in the forest - this weeks adventure

so last night I went for a run with my training partner down on the forest track.
we started running at 17.20 in the evening,
now if you're reading this and you don't live in the north of Europe then you might not realise that at 5 pm in Stockholm at this time of year it is pitch black.
Even though its technically still the afternoon, its dark outside.
Living in Sweden they are well aware of that and there is a section of the track that is very well lit, and you can use the track all through winter without concern,
there is more than one way to get to the light track , and the way that I like to go has no lights at all - its very dark, so we do the only logical thing  (insert look of contempt here) we break out the headlamps and run with them.
I love it, it makes me feel just a little hardcore, I'm out running in the dark with a head lamp I must be a bad-ass.
any way back to the story.
night running
So we get to the light track no problems, light work, bas-ass feeling acquired, running like a hardcore trail-running champ.
Whilst running on the light track we pass this guy, who is walking by himself, in track pants and a hoodie, with the hood up trying really hard to be noticed for walking a little bit creepy and not get his face seen (mission accomplished on his behalf).
I think to my self ooo creepy guy, so thankful we passed him on the light track and not a K before where there were no lights and no people. I shudder a little.
Now the thing is, most people out for a walk on the track don't walk slowly with their hood up, so that was one reason to notice him for a start, the other reason was that that instinctual feeling of "there is something not quite right here" hit me. and as a rule - I always pay attention to that feeling.
as a martial artist and self defence instructor I tell my students to also always pay attention to that feeling, and when and if that feeling hits, get out of that situation.
So creepy guy seen on track, I immediately think of my surroundings, the outdoor gym was just behind us and as we went past I noticed a couple of people training at it. Good.
Keep running.
more night running
We run along the track and do out thing, coming back because we have the head lamps I want to run along the section of the track that has no lights.
all is going well.
And then movement up ahead, there is someone standing on the side of the track I see them because they have reflexives on the side of their shoes and the bottom of their pants, small strips but enough to light up.
And Of course its creepy guy from the track earlier.
OK breath deep keep running. I turn to my training partner and get her to take her earphones out, if nothing else its important to be able to hear what's going on.
as another rule whilst out and about, I really like to listen to music when running but I never have it so loud that I can hear what's going on.
Again my thoughts go to my surroundings.
there are leaves all over the track and whilst they are damp, a person would have a hard time approaching without making noise.
keep running
are you feeling creeped out yet?
I keep my light tracked ahead of me as we approach creepy guy so that I can still see his reflective and then occasionally shining my light directly at him.(yes that's right I see you, if you mean me no harm then its all good but if you do mean me harm then I see you)
as we go passed he turns his body away but turns his head towards us so as to be able to watch us go past, hood still up, cant get a look at his face.
OK so this guy really is being creepy. its not just in my head, I'm not over reacting. that was weird.
keep running
we get a good distance away - certainly far enough so that we could relax a bit, calm down and focus of finishing the run.

So I come out of this experience with many feelings.
I'm pissed that some creepy guy felt it necessary to be creepy on my favourite part of the track.
I'm pissed that some creepy guy decided that he would be creepy whilst I was there thereby forcing me to step into protective self defence mode instead of I'm a bad-ass trail-runner mode - yes they are two completely different mid sets.
I'm disappointed that what was a safe place for me has now become a place of fear.
I am glad very very glad I was running with my training partner and not by my self.
And so from now on we run the other way and get to the light track from the well lit path and definitely no running on dark tracks by yourself.
and to creepy guy on the track. STOP CREEPING PEOPLE OUT! ITS NOT COOL!
oh and stop watching scary movies, they don't help either. :)

Be strong
Have adventures

Good to Go Jo

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